Construction Stage Inspections

Build with confidence, knowing that our Construction Stage Inspections provide a thorough assessment of your construction progress, identifying potential issues and ensuring quality construction every step of the way.

The Pre-Slab Stage is a pivotal moment in construction, as it lays the foundation upon which the entire building rests. Our inspections ensure that this crucial slab will uphold the structure, making this phase essential for long-term stability. Trust us to meticulously oversee this critical stage, safeguarding your project's integrity from the ground up.

A pre-slab Stage Inspection is essential for:

  • Identifying potential issues before concrete is poured, ensuring structural integrity
  • Checking soil conditions to prevent future foundation problems
  • Verifying compliance with building codes and regulations
  • Minimizing costly repairs and delays by addressing issues early in the construction process
  • Providing peace of mind to homeowners by ensuring a solid foundation for the structure


Our team comprises of skilled and experienced professionals committed to delivering high-quality inspections and comprehensive reports all the way through your new build. We possess the required expertise and experience to conduct thorough inspections at every stage of construction, whether it's the Slab Stage or the Final Handover Stage. You can count on us to get the job done right and ensure your home meets the highest standards of quality.

Our area of expertise lies in conducting structural evaluations for both residential and commercial constructions. Our team of proficient experts is equipped to handle projects of varying sizes and complexity, ranging from a single-story house to a multi-unit development. We understand that the stability and durability of your property are of utmost importance, and therefore, we meticulously inspect the building's structure. We collaborate closely with you throughout the inspection process to prepare a comprehensive report that takes into account your specific requirements and objectives, as well as any regulatory requirements and safety concerns.

Our skilled team, use their extensive knowledge to ensure that your structural assessment is completed to the highest standards. We prioritize transparency and communication throughout the process, keeping you informed every step of the way. From the initial slab stage to the final walk-through, our team is committed to delivering exceptional reports that guarantee the quality of the construction process.

At Prorox Inspections, we understand that every project is unique, which is why we offer customized inspection services to fit your specific project. Reach out to us today and take the initial step towards constructing your dream home with confidence and peace of mind.


    When a new building is constructed, there is always a risk that it may have structural issues that could impact the safety of the building and those who occupy it. Some of these issues may include problems with the foundation, such as uneven settling or cracking. Inadequate framing or poor installation of structural components can also cause issues, leading to structural instability or even collapse. Faulty wiring or plumbing can also pose risks, as they may cause electrical fires or water damage, respectively. It is important to have a thorough inspection of a new build to identify any such issues and address them before they become major problems.
    Local building codes and regulations are put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the occupants of a building. If a new build does not meet these codes and regulations, it can lead to legal consequences such as fines or penalties. Furthermore, if the building is deemed unsafe or a hazard, the local authorities may require it to be demolished or reconstructed to bring it up to code. Failing to comply with local building codes and regulations can result in significant financial and legal consequences for the property owner or builder.
    When significant issues go undetected during construction of a new build, they can lead to expensive repairs and renovations later on. For instance, structural damage that goes unnoticed during construction can worsen over time, leading to more extensive repairs. Additionally, when you plan to sell the property in the future, any undisclosed issues can lower the value of the property or lead to costly legal battles with the buyers. For these reasons, it's essential to have a thorough inspection done during construction to catch any issues early and avoid these potential risks.

Are you seeking advice regarding your building contract?

Our Construction Stage Inspections do not involve a review of building contracts. To obtain information regarding your contract, please click on the button below for some key factors to consider when entering into a building contract. Alternatively, you may wish to seek advise from a building lawyer. (Reference: Consumer Affairs Victoria)

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